Tuesday, November 13, 2018

2018 November - More discussions, More ideas

As we continue to research venues to exhibit our work, we also continue to expand our portfolio.  New ideas about formats, themes and techniques continue to take shape during our meetings ... it is a never ending process and discussions tend to be very lively.

We will keep you posted as things materialize!

Annette and Hilde did some Show&Tell.

Annette is working on entries for two upcoming SAQA exhibits.  Here are sneak peeks of her two projects:

Hilde created bowls with inserts using the "layering and burning" techniques she learned at our August workshop with Ailie Snow:

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

October 2018

The October meeting was helpful for planning next years shows and work. Suggestions were made for new venues and the inclusion of additional work was discussed. We also talked about new ways to finish pieces.

Elaine showed us some of the work she has been doing this summer. She started this under the guise of "The 100 Days Project". Her decisions included working exclusively with some hand painted canvases, only using things she already owned, always adding some hand stitching, and experimenting with new types of marks and tools. After each piece, she documented what she had learned and what she might do differently next time. Here are a few of the pieces.