Friday, July 19, 2024

Let It Rip


Mixed media lends itself well to fiber art. For this challenge, each artist was to incorporate paper in the work. It was a nice change of process. Searching for the paper in each piece is a fun viewer experience. The size is a repeat at 18 inches wide by 40 inches long.  For a closer look at each piece, click on the Art Quilt Portfolio tab at the top.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

MIXing in March

We gathered together and had a lively meeting with much sharing of work.

But first, we tossed around ideas for a theme for our next work. It was decided that each MIX member would choose a female artist of their liking and create a work of art inspired by that artists. The size will be uniform at 18 x 40 inches. Some research will be required but that's what makes it so fun.

Here is some of the shared work. 18-inch squares from the second napkin theme called Competing Narratives.

And, from the third napkin comes a body of work called Line Dance. 
There will be more to come on both of these This is merely a glimpse.

Betty has been busy making postcards. She placed four of them in a frame she found at the local craft store. Her handwork always sets these apart.

Stay tuned until next time.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Made You Look - A MIX fiber exhibit

MIX joined with Hilde Morin to present a fiber exhibit in Portland. Made You Look does just that. It can be seen when walking by the PDX Commons Cohousing building at 4262 SE Belmont Street. The MIX portion is featured in the window so you won't miss it. It includes 10 works which are 18 inches wide by 40 inches long. Also included are a number of 3 D pieces which are featured on black pedestals.

Walk inside and admire the works of Hilde Morin.  Many feature her renowned curved piecing and are stunning. Yes do Take a Look at "Made you Look". You will not be disappointed!


Sunday, August 6, 2023

MIXing in July

Our gathers always begin with the business at hand. This day was no exception. A review of our recent exhibit at the Stitchin' Post Gallery concluded that it was delightfully displayed both by theme and color. It is always fun, in a dynamic exhibit such as this, to find the common voice of each individual artist among different works. A number of pieces  were sold, which offers additional validation to the artist. We all agreed that we would like to exhibit at this lovely gallery again.

Next was finalizing the details for our upcoming exhibition at the PDX Commons building on Belmont in Portland, OR.. The work will be both the Let It Rip and As I See It collections, as well as some 3D work. Hanging apparatus and art sleeves were a part of this discussion. The show runs from October 1 to November 30. More on this later.

We always save the best part for last--a sharing of work.

Hilde shared a piece that she has been working on. This is only a sneak peak. The work is a beautiful rendering of trees in a forest. Curved lines and color are central to both Hilde's work and this piece. The green tones are exceptionally calming. Lovely!

Annette shared a work that is a dandelion casting it's seeds to the wind. In this detailed view, each of the white lines you see is a stitch line. Look closely to see this amazing stitch work. She based this on a photo she had taken of the flower. You will look at this piece for a long, long while.  Amazing!

Elaine shared three works that have been juried into the Columbia Fiberarts Guild online exhibit. The theme is Color Play. These fit that theme quite well. Don't you agree!.  

Dreaming in Hexacolor

La La Fa

Lightening Strikes

Well that's all folks!

Monday, June 19, 2023

MIXing in June

After completing two sets of three Extremes in the 18 inch square format, we moved to the theme "Inspired by a Napkin". This is the third napkin in that series. Look to earlier posts for the other napkins chosen. Several of us decided it might be interesting to take this at face value but explore various techniques to form the elements. You will just have to wait and see.


Sharing other work is my personal favorite part of our MIX meet ups. These images are of Betty's work. They are each 5 x 7 inches, The stitch work is simply beautiful.

Elaine had taken an online class at Jeanne Oliver's site called Hat Tricks. She shared the hat that she had embellished. Differing art mediums are a fun exploration. Try one with found items around your home.

Adios, until we meet again!

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Touring the MIX exhibit at Sisters

Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and enjoy the show. Thank you, Jean Wells for inviting us to show our work and for providing this wonderful YouTube video,

MIX at the Sisters Fiber Arts Gallery

These are just a few of the images from the exhibit. It was beautifully hung and very well balanced by style and color and concept. The 18 x 40 inch quilts anchored the show. The first image is the work from the theme Let It Rip. Each of these quilts has some elements of paper in them. And, it is very fun to get up close and personal to find them. 

The second image features the 18 x 40 works from the As I See It theme. This abstract theme produced a wide variety of works from a covid inspired piece to  life path. A few pieces from the Inspired by a napkin theme can also be seen.

As is usual, these images do not do justice to the works. They are full of surprises with beautiful hand and machine stitched elements as well as tiny piecing that delights the eye. Head to Sisters now. The show will be up until June 20.